Let’s talk

How can we help you?

"My voice shall I hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee and look up" ~Psalms 5:3


To build a ministry that God can use for His glory through discipleship in accordance with the Word of God committing ourselves to Worship, Witness, Service and Fellowship.

for the purpose of edification, coming together to build-up and make strong the body of Christ. Provide teaching that is biblically sound and relevant to our day-to-day life. We envision being a ministry where we accept and are accepted, love and are loved, encourage and are encouraged, forgive and are forgiven. We envision helping people from all walks of life through a variety of biblically based ministries. We envision developing people to spiritual maturity by teaching the word God that is contained in both the Old and New Testament.

for the purpose evangelism, we envision carrying the gospel message to the unsaved. We envision sharing the good news globally that Jesus still saves through a variety of community outreach efforts, revival services, and supporting our global and home mission partners. Our pursuit includes reaching those who have stopped attending church. We desire to grow as God prospers us and uses us to reach a lost and dying world.

for the purpose of worship, we envision that our worship services will be anointed, inspiring, and uplifting where songs of praise and adoration are offered unto our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the gospel message is proclaimed. We envision the spirit of God moving freely in our mist where hearts and minds are set free and God is glorified.